Thursday, February 26, 2009

Did Bobby Jindal Have An Off Night?

As much as I'm impressed with Bobby Jindal, the speech was a big letdown.
It is the overwhelming consensus that Bobby Jindal's delivery of the response to the President's address last night was not good. Conservatives, frustrated by years of Bush's inexpert speeches, McCain's evaporating charisma at the podium, and Palin's uncertainty under questioning, were looking for deliverance in Bobby Jindal on all fronts. Liberals who thought Sarah Palin's brilliant RNC speech performance meant absolutely nothing are sure that Jindal's off night means everything.
Like the other posters, I am a fan of Bobby Jindal. He is smart and appears to be a solid conservative. He has certainly done a much better job of governing Louisiana than any of his liberal predecessors. Unfortunately, due to the shallow Saturday Night Live mentality of the public and the media, Americans generally prefer someone who is glib and tells them what they want to hear - even if it is all lies - over someone with character and substance. Eventually, through consistency and repetition, the Republican message will get out, and the contrast of fiscal responsibility, small government and strong national defense will trump the snake oil that President Loser is gleefully trying to sell. In the meantime, this is painful.
I wanted him to be good. I think all of the republican 'critics' wanted him to be good. He wasn't. You can't run for POTUS sounding like Miss Francis of Ding Dong School. Not fatal but a missed opportunity. I imagine Bobby Jindal is a quick study and with coaching he should get much better. I love Bobby Jindal, too, but we shouldn't overlook his weaknesses. He needs training in speech delivery and I bet he gets it pronto.


  1. Jindal is done Baby. The republicans will have to start manufacturing another savior.

    (I take it you didn't dig the Oracle bit)

    I wish you success with your blog LTD.

  2. Off night? They ripped strips of raw flesh off the little punk's ass.

    He and Suzy Mooseburger are the future of the right wig. Enjoy, while the left kicks your teeth in.

  3. Ducky's here, I've seen your CRAP all over the Blogisphere and this post of yours is no different than the other crap that spews from your vile mouth. I don’t know why you even bother to post ANYTHING other than trying to audition for comic relief?

  4. What Republicans need now more than ever is a leader who holds to conservative principles and who is an orator...that is a good communicator. That's a taller order than we can acheive right now.

    BTW: You don't seem to like Ducky's Here very much.

  5. Great Blog you have and I love the way you slapped down that Ducky..

  6. ahh loves to debate don't lose sight of character over charisma.

  7. Hi, Loves to Debate...I'm glad you came by geeeeeZ and am REAL glad to find your blog, too.

    Use our blogrolls, you'll find great people who think like you do...(Ducky not among them, of course)

    Jindal's got all we need; after the lackluster speech, he'll improve. Remember, we need substance to run a country , not style (which is running it now with a big fat checkbook and a pen in hand!)

    You as scared as we are? The Tea Parties have started. I'm SO SO tired of Republicans whining about our message and how we need to hone it better for the public. My feeling, and much of what my blog's about, is that the message is fine, people relate to it, but the media needs to be reminded that our society will only work with honesty and fairness in journalism. That's GONE. That's scary. People simply aren't hearing the truth..

  8. When I first saw Jindal it was on "The Tonight Show" with Leno and he really killed, he really came off as someone who was kind of fresh with a good sharp wit.. but now that I saw this it hit me that every single story and joke he told on this event were word for word the ones he used on the tonight show appearance. That does not sit well with me, the last thing we need is another president reading his every move from a teleprompter.. zing.

  9. Hey, thanks for stopping by my site. Great blog you have. I think Jindal will be okay and I think Palin will too if she runs. It is possible that after 4 years of smooth talking, but lying Obama, the public may be in the mood for some straight talk.

  10. You make good points. I think Jindal will get past this. A year from now, only bloggers and pundits will remember that speech.

    Here's a good article for anyone who might be concerned that Jindal has achieved token status:

  11. The media and the administration, and any and all liberals will do whatever they can to try to drown out the voices of Jindal, Palin, and other conservatives because they FEAR them and they FEAR the real message of conservativism getting to the people.

  12. He's the next great dude for our party. He just needs some coaching, which I hope he'll get.

  13. I agree with the rest of the pack you have a great blog here and I like what you have to say... Don't be concerned about Ducky's here.. He's is a fricken moron. This is what happens when you let liberals run unchecked, especially at a big city.

  14. I like your blog-- and it sounds a bit like mine. I am a 1st and 2nd Amendment rights defender and Christian.

    Tom S
    Disabled Vietnam Vet: 68-70

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You've got a great site going here. And you know you hit it with this post when the moonbats start calling you names . . . they can't win the debate so they blow their blow while their heroes in Washington give handouts for votes. Not exactly the self-reliant types this country was built on.
