Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Do I Hate the way Obama is running America? Let me count the ways!

How dumb have we become? Did Barack Obama hire ‘clappers’ in his audience tonight? False sob stories and bringing up what we all know already, a recession is here, just repeating exxaggerated talking points on how billions of jobs will be lost tomarrow and the world will come to an end if this bill doesn’t get passed right now. Barack Obama is using a scare tactic right out of the book of ‘rules for radicals’. It doesn’t mean ‘catastrophe’ for the economy if it isn’t passed right now. It means catastrophe if this bill is passed at all!

I wouldn’t have any faith in the American people as we have become so naive. Just hearing the babbling idiot tell everyone in his address tonight about him visiting all 50 states, except Alaska, as the nerds laughed in the audience. I guess because Palin is from there, or the fact that he thought the US has 57 (Islamic) states just 6 months ago.

This idiots first 30 days has been a major scam of dumb bills, crooked appointees and a welfare-pork bill, that will do nothing for the economy. As he screams in his ‘community organizer-dictator’ voice filled with anger to the slobbering drones tonight, one thing should worry you. THIS BILL IS STILL ONE PILE OF SHIT THAT WILL RUIN THE LIVES OF MANY AMERICANS FOR YEARS TO COME!

The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed... Would the brownshirts and buses show up at his home if he hadn't resigned?

Is there any precedent for this in American history? The POTUS elbows into a private corporation and *fires* the top executive: There's the door, RIck. I'm the President, and you are gone! Bye, bye!!

Government Motors will require unions to make cars - nice! We the people will have to heavily subsidize the company because nobody wants to buy substandard products. Why will they be substandard? It will be a union heaven where any incentive to be competitive will completely cease to exist because you now work for Uncle Sucker and the quality will drop to the level of a government operation where the people just don't give a crap!
Get rid of the paybacks and payoffs in the bill. ALL OF IT! Americans should be furious at Obama after that BULLSHIT speech he just made! Americans should want to hang Pelosi and Reid for this bill. What in the world are Americans thinking? This bill will do NOTHING for the economy or jobs and they know it. They will blame Bush in 3 or 4 years when this bill accomplishes nothing but skyrocketing tax increases and Jimmy Carter unemployment numbers.Okay, let me see if I have all this straight. We give millions to the bank, so they will lend us money. We give millions to the car companies so they can sell us a car and we can make payments.... We borrow money from China so we can give it to rebuild Gaza and help Iraq.

And now you have to pay for the whole world's abortions..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Al Sharpton is the biggest bigot on the face of the earth.

Blacks spend their day calling each other niggers and hoe's. The rappers do the same garbage in their "So Called" songs. I hear black people calling each other those names 100 times a day...I have yet to hear a white person call another one a honkey, cracker, etc. Why? Because it is stupid... Yet, Al Sharpton got Don Imus was fired over his remarks. Duh!

Where is Sharpie Sharpton with all of this? Is he to busy out holding up the corporations, and black mailing them, and threatening to boycott them! Why doesn't he join Bill Cosby in his denunciation of black speech patterns and rappers subject matter. All of this is ok to Sharpton and his gang until a white uses such language and then all hell breaks loose. By the way I do think Imus was wrong, but why is he punished to the point of taking away his livelihood and others never hear a word about their atrocious language.
I distinctly remember the Tawana Brawley incident that you spoke of. This fool is nothing more than a poverty pimp, just like his cohort "Rev." Jesse Jackson. I hope one day that these bleeding heart liberals will wake up and smell the roses and see these pimps for who they REALLY are. They may as well wear a "Superfly" hat, and gaudy gold chains around their neck. I wonder who they think they are fooling?
he Al Sharptons of this world will not be happy unless the "white man" is turned into a minority and we revert to the enslavement of the white race....
And why do these politicians like Hillary Clinton etc. go arond kissing the ring and ass of Rev. Al? Are they so damn hard-up for the black vote that they have to drop down to Al's low level?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What did he (Obama) know and when did he know it! Read on..

So now we find out that President Obama was informed about the $165 million in bonuses due to employees of the American Insurance Group (AIG) the day before they were paid out last week, the White House disclosed late Tuesday. Obama has expressed outrage that the company, which has received about $170 billion in government bailout money.
Well surprise, surprise, of course 0bama knew. And I doubt that he is particularly opposed to the whole payout but that this makes a convenient distraction as he bungles every area of US policy and tries to push leftist programs in other areas.. Do you think that the the sheSenatoreple got the message?
And on the list of
Senator's that received political contributions from AIG strangely Obama's name was left off ..... Well folks, look it up, Senator Obama got $101,300 in political contributions from AIG - a nice little bonus of his own don't you think? I guess he was for it before he was against it.
Why was HIS name left off this list?
I highly suggest that everyone goes to all of your favorite blogs and inform the people. People need to know this.
Here is the scoop:
Chris Dodd was the single largest recipient of campaign donations from AIG during the 2008 election with $223,478. Source:

#2 on the list of Recipients from AIG, Barack Obama at $101,332

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), a member of both the Senate banking and finance committees, took in $116,400.

So Barack Hussein Obama is going on Jay Leno, to divert attention that he, Shoomer, Doddering Dodd, Hilderbeast, and who knows, who else has received hundreds of thousands of dollars, from AIG. How much did they get from the Unions aqnd other Corperations? Is this going to be another "Wagging the Tail" deversion? And why is Obama wasting his "Valuable" awake time on a comedy TV talk show?
Funny, I thought by electing Obama I thought we were getting another Lincoln?
Yes, Obama knew about AIG bonuses before they were even paid. I guess all this outrage is because the public found out about it.
Let's all repeat: OBAMA IS A LIAR, LIAR, PANT'S ON FIRE.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama is a Muslim sympathizer

He definitely is a Muslim sympathizer. He did not "convert" to hide behind Christianity till he was an adult; and the church he does belong to is racist and supports Africa which has many Muslim countries.
I think he has personal hidden agendas. And since this is still a free America far.. I can voice my opinion of him.

There is no substance behind the word "change" that he uses in almost every sentence. How stupid is the average American? He says the word change and the crowd goes wild. Isn't this what happened during Hitler's speeches before he became leader?

Unquestionably, as a speaker, Hitler had a powerful influence on the common run of German people. His meetings were always crowded, and by the time he got through speaking he had completely numbed the critical faculties of his listeners to the point where they were willing to believe almost anything he said. His audience became intoxicated with the emotional appeal of his oratory.
Hitler was so convincing on the speaker’s platform and appeared to be so sincere in what he said that the majority of his listeners were ready to believe almost anything good about him because they wanted to believe it.
And how about Hillary Clinton offering almost $1 and1/2 billion in aid to moderate Palestinian group Fatah to rebuilt Gaza,There goes another billion American tax dollar down the drain . I am extremely disgusted..
How powerful is Rush Limbaugh? Well, powerful enough to make Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, apologize for calling the radio host a mere “entertainer.” Possibly powerful enough to cost Steele his job. But powerful enough to force President Obama to debate him? You’d think that would be highly unlikely, but as we found out this week, the White House is going to do everything in its power to keep Limbaugh at the forefront of public consciousness.
I think that its truly nice to have Limbaugh around as we can rely on what he says and at least know what is happening in this country. If these liberal writers, liberal newspapers or liberal politicians think they can do battle with Rush they are in for a nasty surprise. Just ask Dingy Harry. Rush played him like a violin last year and KO'ed him within a week.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Did Bobby Jindal Have An Off Night?

As much as I'm impressed with Bobby Jindal, the speech was a big letdown.
It is the overwhelming consensus that Bobby Jindal's delivery of the response to the President's address last night was not good. Conservatives, frustrated by years of Bush's inexpert speeches, McCain's evaporating charisma at the podium, and Palin's uncertainty under questioning, were looking for deliverance in Bobby Jindal on all fronts. Liberals who thought Sarah Palin's brilliant RNC speech performance meant absolutely nothing are sure that Jindal's off night means everything.
Like the other posters, I am a fan of Bobby Jindal. He is smart and appears to be a solid conservative. He has certainly done a much better job of governing Louisiana than any of his liberal predecessors. Unfortunately, due to the shallow Saturday Night Live mentality of the public and the media, Americans generally prefer someone who is glib and tells them what they want to hear - even if it is all lies - over someone with character and substance. Eventually, through consistency and repetition, the Republican message will get out, and the contrast of fiscal responsibility, small government and strong national defense will trump the snake oil that President Loser is gleefully trying to sell. In the meantime, this is painful.
I wanted him to be good. I think all of the republican 'critics' wanted him to be good. He wasn't. You can't run for POTUS sounding like Miss Francis of Ding Dong School. Not fatal but a missed opportunity. I imagine Bobby Jindal is a quick study and with coaching he should get much better. I love Bobby Jindal, too, but we shouldn't overlook his weaknesses. He needs training in speech delivery and I bet he gets it pronto.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Reaction to the Chimp Cartoon

Given the controversy surrounding the recent New York Post cartoon, which featured a chimp that many people took to represent President Obama, I now realize that many Americans are likely to find the portrayal of an ape president offensive. Although it is no defense, I would point out that when I made the film few would have imagined that our country would elect a black president so soon afterwords. The scene was not intended to allude in any fashion to a future black president, and I deeply regret any offense I may have caused to African-Americans, and indeed to Americans in general.
I am really confused by the reaction to the chimp cartoon. I never realized that a chimp automatically equated with African American. So, when George Bush was depicted this way, were people really saying he was America’s 1st black president?
So Al Sharpton, If the first thing that comes to mind when you see a chimp in a cartoon is black people (or specifically Obama), the problem is in YOUR head, not mine!